Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Local Web Hosting

Great Big Graphics does offer hosting for their clients in partnership with Vermont Web Host in Rutland. Here are the plan structures; very reasonable:


Monday, March 30, 2009


I found this site and the loading time for the flash involved was kind of annoying. I also didn't like how the intro. page didn't have a skip button. For users who've been frequenting the site it must be bothersome to have to sit through the same intro. each time they arrive at the site.

He is a good photographer though, so I feel that his work is worth it to check out. He makes simple, everyday things seem a little more interesting.

The link: http://www.robertkato.com/

Layout that works

I like this layout because you can look any where and find a little something. Practical use of css and news system. Also good reviews.

Local Photographer


Blathering Blatherskyte!


I left a comment on Bethany's post that turned into a three page paper... more of  a rant rather, does anyone agree with anything I say or am I a blathering blatherskyte?

Culture Jamming brings new functionality to old ideas, like a cultural I.E.D.
BOOM! Visual imagery explodes through the internal world of the viewer, causing massive acculturation or slices through an individual's perceptual filters like a surgeon's knife, to insert new ideas, new values. Either way, art is a weapon! 

Check out these links.

internal revolution engines, check them out

Nagi Noda

Nagi Noda is a versatile artist specializing in sculpture, fabrication, design, and illustration. 
My wife turned me on [to this site] and I'm crazy [about the content].

I love her work but H8 her site. 
All her content loads onto pages that have no navigable aspects and if you close the window you land back on her home-page, pages away from the content you were viewing ><.  
The secret is that if you click on the page's content, it acts as a back button to the content menu, sneaky but not intuitive. It works though once you get the hang of it and learn to read the baroque fonts she used...

Check out her hair hats if you can read her fonts and navigate through her page (a daunting task) and remember, don't design a page like this because there are too many design quirks that disrupt the navigation flow. ^^

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How To Win › with Steve Duncombe and Steve Lambert

"This is a work in progress created by Steve Lambert, artist provocateur and Stephen Duncombe, theorist provocateur. We both consider ourselves engaged citizens and both think that using art and culture to transform the world is a good idea. But we are both haunted by the same question: How do we gauge the success of our projects? Hell, how do we even think about success when our goal is utopia? This site is a place to explore this and related questions."


Numerous interviews with artists and activists; some great ideas to think about here. I personally love the concept of the artist-as-citizen, and the role of/goals of artists as bringing about positive social change. Take a look—it's a neat project with intelligent conversations. Very inspiring.

Basement Medicine

APRIL 15 This is your deadline to submit j-pegs of your artwork to Basement Medicine.

This is a great way to get your work seen by a wide audience, as the paper is distributed around Johnson as well as some surrounding towns. I would highly recommend giving this a shot—inspire your peers, beautify our school paper, make the world a better place!

The final issue is dedicated to art and they may even add additional pages, in color!

Include a caption with artist info/title of piece, and make sure jpegs are large enough for decent reproduction. Send to:

basementmedicine [at] gmail.com

Monday, March 23, 2009

Clean CSS

Here is a link to clean css. http://www.cleancss.com/

Army making paper out of combat uniforms

I thought this was cool. Read a little about it.

father and son photographers

See the photographs of Paul Caoponigro at http://www.andrewsmithgallery.com and http://www.joesphbellows.com and the work of his son at http://www.johnpaulcaponigro.com ,a great family tradition of photography. Nice thumbnails and navigation.


Nice L.A. art gallery page.

I like the color scheme, the invisibility of the site, and the navigation. The reason I went here was following the work of Chiho Aoshima, who creates whole environments by installing vinyl prints of her digital illustrations right on the gallery wall.  

blogger comments

I've been leaving responses to people's posts. 

Look in the comments section to read them. 

I'm surprised there isn't more of a dialogue going on in the comments section responding to people's posts. 

I've been learning to apply my art criticism skills to web page criticism and have been learning to look at web pages in terms of art analysis: composition, color theory, content. 


Found a site that appraises the value of any web page published on the net by evaluating a number of criteria including the site's history, popularity, friendliness, interest, recognition, and depth potential. The site gives the current and potential value of the site. I'm not sure how valid the estimator is. Are the variables universally acknowledged by the W3 Consortium? Anyway, play around with it. I looked up a couple of artist's pages and they were valued at $12,645. and $16,500. 


Found this site accidentally, a pleasant surprise. Not much to it at all, but the design is simple and effective.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Don't play with your food kids unless you're making Art. Vik Muniz is a very unique artist who creates imagery with traditional and not so tradition methods. His website keeps his audience up to date with his recent works at the home page. He has a sophisticated roll overs within the dot painting that introduce different contents of his website. I also like the scroll effect that happens when you scroll fast. This is an awesome website! Check out the video titled "Worst Possible Illusion", its a video about Vik explain how he makes his art and why he makes it. Click the gallery, scroll down to 2001, then click on "pictures of clouds", AND THEN click "Worst Possible Illusion". Great video!


This was a simple website. I am more a fan of the artist then the website. however, i liked how her pictures were displayed.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Great Resources

CSS code, menus, & more:


"Experiments with cascading style sheets":


Monday, March 16, 2009

Photoshop text styling for page

So i was Looking for a way to make a very interesting logo for my page, and i had found this site a while back, took a little bit of searching but i found it once again. This site has styles for all sorts of logos on your page, name it, they have it check it out. Their all tutorials on how to do it yourself

Text effects in ps

This site is also mindblowing to, check out action fx,


kevin cyr

check out this site of brooklyn artist kevin cyr. he does these amazing photo realism paintings of old service vans and vehicles covered in graffiti. very effective and awesome as well.


Antony Gormerly

Antony Gormerly is one of my favorite sculptors. He has a great homepage that is simple and easy to navigate. You can reach the home page from any page in the website. What I really like about this scupltor is that he photographer almost all of his works are on this website since the beginning of his carreer. CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE!


A friend of mine told me to visit Twitter's site today, so I did, and it was pleasant how user-friendly it seems to both frequent users as well as new visitors to the site. It explains what the site is for, why, and how, right off the bat. The flash is unique and simple, the design is uncluttered and inviting. I thought it was a nice format for a popular site, considering other sites that try to connect people and increase communication with excessive ads and various links, all on the main page. This is very refreshing:


boring website, lots of text to read about art biz


my new favorite artist

Vania Zouravliov is my new favorite artist check out his work at the cool art collective page                                             www.bigactive.com
To get to his art, click on the left menu under illustrators. He's on the bottom. Amazing illustration, reminds me of early 20th century british book illustrator Harry Clarke. Check him out.



I spent some time on the Pantone web page and noted some interesting features. First of all is the palette. Pantone is a color company and their web page has an off-white body with grey font. Pantone has chosen to emphasize their color products by de-emphasizing the palette of the web page. If they loaded up their page design with color, it would overshadow the color products Pantone offers. I thought this was cool. Another interesting element are the drop down menus. I think drop downs are overwhelming when they offer more than 3 or 4 categories. Otherwise, I love the rollover sound effects that accompany the lower buttons. It's a fun, playful element that makes me remember the site.  

Finally, good sites!

http://www.noupe.com for web advice;css etc. and http://www.jalbum.net for pre-made albums. Check out Venice in black and white by Honeybee, the thumbnails are great.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I liked how slick this site was. It was simple and clean. It was easy to use. I picked this site for its sharpness, not its content.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Really really useful font site

i had a bunch of trouble with finding out what fonts were what and what they actually looked like so i spent some time and found an incredible site that has almost every windows font, and shows you what it is and what it looks like

incredible site i found

Monday, March 9, 2009

too much flash

I've been finding sites that have too much annoying flash...repetitive opening pages, repeat images... http://www.chelseasavoynyc.com , hot pictures of 50's pin-ups at http://www.newyorknoir.com , intersting use of backgrounds at http://www.acantiques.com Nothing I have been crazy about.

New website

A link to the new site I updated www.outandaboutvt.org

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Stardust is a digital animation studio responsible for the very  slickest, most visionary and mind-blowing digital animation. check out their page. It is zero navigation and gets right to the point. They let their work speak for itself. Get to the point, let the work speak for itself. 

amazing amazing animation. This kind of technology will be responsible for the revelatory art of the near future that will rival the innovation and spiritual awakening of the Renaissance if only the art could tear itself from the capitalist engine that fuels it.

Beautiful work



anyone like their news wetworks style? 

This page is interesting. I like the way the designers branded the site to make it feel like a para-military brief. 
Design wise, the page is laid out like  a newspaper format because, well, it's a news page...

There is some interesting stuff on this site that doesn't make the front pages of the media oligarchy. Kinda reads like the anti-economist... 

This page is like Fox news for non-state actors ^^



Cool thought, 

Do you think the internet has become institutionalized? What i mean is, have the transnational dot coms like amazon, e-bay, and google, as well as state and federal government and ngos defined the collective perception of what the internet is by their presence on-line? does the internet 'look' a certain way to you? Well, I ask because i've found, going through my bookmark folders, that many, many graphic and web designer's web pages are either not found or are in stasis. This is cool. Artist web pages are the ultimate ephemera, because they don't exist physically, and they are only meant to be viewed for a short time.... you can't throw a web page away, and the page can exist until the web crashes, and even then it could be stored on any device. Here is an example of what one design firm did to 'close' their page.  

This is cool because the artdorks still own their space but have closed their site. They still have a web presence, only their page is a farewell to those who frequented it. But they're still on-line. It would be cool to have an online business card that was a 0-button, -navigation page that acted as your title-card or placeholder on the internet. 
this could be updated so easily....
interesting design idea, a digital placeholder on the global stage 

Check out Doze Greens site. 

I think the animated navigation system gets in the way of the content, but Green's site is very flashy. 

The site I chose this week is by Sam Haskins. I enjoy is photography, but his site was a little hard for me to navigate on.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kerry Skarbakka

Kerry Skarbakka is one of my favorite photographers and I hate his website due to poor navigation... I really like the series titled "The struggle to right oneself". You have to read the artist statement for this series to appreciate this series. His photography truely makes you wonder "how the hell does photograph himself falling?" Crazy and amazing photographer...but his website sucks because you have to use the back button too much!


Thursday, March 5, 2009


I like sites that incorporate graphic and web design. I myself, enjoy experimenting with typography. Stacey's site is simple, easy, attractive.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vagrant Art

Banksy has become quite popular in the graffiti world. All of his books are worth checking out, and of course his website is worth a look through as well. The site is basic, but contains all the images you need to get a feel for his sociopolitical works. At first it seems like he does not have a lot of image content, but look at the base of the site and use the scroll bar to make your way through the images.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Vermont photographer, Kurt Budliger.


vermont photographer, Kurt Budliger. interesting site, awesome images and photo slideshows.

VT design Works

Found this design Firm located in winooski. Might be a future employer for someone?

Sweet menu

I like the menu on this site. I also like how the cow keeps moving. I'm thinking about having something like that because it will keep them focused on the page...I hope


Copy and paste yo

Vermont photographers


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ten Ways For An Artist to Promote Their Website

I found this website and thought it might provide some good tips for promoting our websites.

I found this site when i was doing my paper of the article assigned for class. Kevin Cornell is the guy who wrote the article i chose. He is a illustrator/ designer and he spends a lot of his time updating his website. I enjoyed his "work" page. I liked how he had his gallery set up. He had small thumbnails that showed each piece of work he had. But once you clicked on it, you saw that that image was something completely different then you ma have thought. I enjoyed trying to guess what each one would be.