Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I agree with John, it was a great class. It was interesting to see how different everyone's sites became. Katie had it right when she mentioned how much of ourselves we put into our pages. Bravo. It's been great to work with all of you, have a great summer! Try not to let those evil rays of sunlight make you too happy ; )

Monday, May 11, 2009



check out my page at

I consider this launch a success!

BUT...... I also consider this a Beta test and I have some more work to do. For instance, I need to put text into my pages that displays in the browser history. Also need to add a lot of labels to my pages for bots to pick up on and so I have some content to display on search engines. 

Otherwise, cool.

Thanks everyone, you've been a great class! 

Keep the blog alive!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Has anyone heard of Willard Wigan? His works is crazy cool. He is known for the worlds smallest sculptures. check it out!

Monday, May 4, 2009

This guy should have taken this class..

I stumbled upon this man's (Will Bryson) website recently and thought "Man is this unfortunate." He could have seriously used this web design class.
Upon carousing through his pages, you'll see the set-up is choppy, the color scheme doesn't seem to be working for it, though it really could be considerably worse. There seem to be broken links. His site is okay, but it is rather boring. Perhaps what is is that bothers me so much is that you could throw anyone's art in those boxes and call it their website just as easily. One thing I've sort of noticed in our class is that everyone here has been building a website that you can see personality put into. It's inheritly theirs. I think Will Bryson should put more of his own touch to his website.
To be fair, there are definitely positive points. His colors and setup are pretty consistent and his navigation is easy to follow (you can always get back to the first page, previous page, etc.).

Here is his website:

Things to keep in mind

Here are some things to know when developing a website.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sites <-- really liked the flash done on the site <-- liked the layout and the site was easy to navigate

Contemporary Spirituality in the Arts

Here's a look at some modern Islamic art, quite impressive.
I thoroughly enjoy the attention to geometric detail with the
incorporation of calligraphic text from the Qu'ran. We live in
a mixed media art world in this day and age.
This next site is a bit too busy when considering the color
scheme, but the work is nice. I particularly enjoy the video
stills that are included--it reminds me of the stillness of
meditation in a chaotic world.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Compairing good sites from bad sites

Check this out, how to compare the good quality's from the bad quality's of web sites

Check this out!

Have you ever wanted to compare your art work to others and get voted on. This is a good way to get your name online and a chance to bring people to your sites.

Concerning www3.

strange.... the address for Hisashi's sama's site doesn't link. I triple-checked his domain name and entered it correctly, wonder what's up? if u can spell it, type his name into browser to see his work. Sorry 'bout the deadlink, better luck next time. 

lol, click on his address to get the message
"Bad request" 

everyone's a critic, even tha' W3....

Tenmyouya Hisashi

Another of my influences across the Big Drink, Tenmyouya Hisashi is a cool illustrationist melding traditional Japanese art with modernist/Westernist art-forms. 
Check out his easily navigable page at the confusing address 

Concerning his address, why is it www3. and why does it have a capital E?

Is it some W3 oceanic-specific address? what gives? cool...

Oh yeah, Japanese Kanji characters are exceptionally tricky to express with graffiti so check out his door panel graph with awe; the iris flowers are a tip o' the hat to Hiroshige, Yay! 

End Torture of P.O.W.'s

sign this petition to end the torture of enemy combatants and uphold the tenants of the Geneva Convention instated after WW2 to prevent human rights abuses. U.S troops were water-boarded by the Japanese during WW2. We beheaded the torturers. End the cycle of horror by speaking your voice. The internet is a soapbox, stand up and say your peace, for peace. Speak out in the hope that Obama will hold the previous administration accountable for their crimes against humanity. Send Bush, Cheney and Gonzalas to Gitmo. for nice site with fossil background. for a klimt museum. Several sites I look at for middle eastern jewelry have closed, whether because of war, government, unable to get items who knows. I like reading everyone else's suggestions. I haven't been impressed with much lately. Looks like a lot of sites are just templates.



Don't forget the anti-CIA comprised of all the bright young minds graduating from foreign colleges in the middle-east, south-east Asia, and Latin America. 

We have infiltrated every nation in the world with foreign nationals working in government bureaus and moonlighting as CIA operatives. Yay Us! 

Here's a list of CIA lapdogs circa 1983 compliments of, a non-profit dedicated to transparency here and abroad.

See you in Gitmo!

My Hero

One of my great, great influences, Yoshitaka Amano has shown across the world, Tokyo, NYC, Paris, his painting style is Ukiyo-e-meets Japonisme-meets 18th century book illustration-meets post-modern Japanese art; a full-circle synthesis. 

Feed the starving multitudes (while getting really, really smart)

wanna kill time while saving lives? 

Freerice is an incredible site that offers quiz in vocabulary, art history, math, geography, chemistry, and languages. For every right answer you get the site donates 10 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program (they use their advertising revenue to buy rice). 
Bookmark this site and get smart. 
Eventually you'll know that pombe is an east African beer, that Goya painted Saturn Eating His Son, that die flut is German for flood, that 12 x 9 = 108, that Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, that Pu is the symbol for Plutonium, and that the car MOVES fast......

oh yeah, and hemidemisemiquaver is a orchestral 64th note....

you will be smart and feed the world....

Beat my 7560 grains of rice I donated the other night when we got back from Boston....

you will be an addict before u know it

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Drink the tea, but don't let the bag enter the mouth

Ahahaha. Nothing special going on here, a bunch of blogs posted by overly steeped conservatives. For the most part many of these people seem to be uneducated concerning American history (especially with all their ranting and raving about 'tyranny!')...hmmm, how was the West won? For any additional laughs and/or uncomfortable head shakes take a look at Fox News...apparently President Obama is overstepping his boundaries in more than one area.
Free episodes of the Daily Show have some gut busting laughs on the matter too.

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Don't touch my pictures!"

I was browsing the web looking for a photographer that had taken pictures of musicals and other events at my high school when I stumbled upon this website, with pictures from my school's production of Beauty and the Beast. On the photos there are watermarks which, as most people know, are used to prevent people from stealing your work and claiming it as their own.

These... are alright, but really I think it detracts from how the work looks online. It's been mentioned various times also (including in class), that watermarks are kind of pointless because the quality of the work on the internet isn't as good as the original's quality anyhow. So are these watermarks worthless? I think they are. These pictures would look even more buyable without "proof" covering them up.

Here's the link:

Best fonts online!

Call it hip, or SWEET! or useful. Ether way they are cool fonts. so check-em out.


Here are some interesting links to Vermont photographers.

Cool comic book effect.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Artists sites

First site: Toronto illustrator Miki Sato has some awesome collage-style illustrations with fabric and textiles. I liked the simple buttons she used and its very easy to navigate her site. Flickr.

Vancouver illustrator Edward Kwong has some truly lovely work in his portfolio,it was a little weird not having buttons but i liked the layout with the small thumbnails.

Finding two sites that i liked i decided to find the worst site ever and this so far is at the top of my list. When someone sees this site, their reaction is the same as my reaction when I first saw it — What the Heck? its just so crazy.

Good use of hidden menus for large amounts of info.

I like the picture that you see first. then you look around at the subjects that are very easy to read. I would put a arrow to show that there is a drop down menu but besides that I think this site is inviting.

5 Pixel Popping Techniques

Just a couple of pixels can make a huge difference in your design.
Check this link out; it is worth it, from the pixel drop-shadow to the 'Vista effect.'

21 Factors that Influence the First Impression of Your Website’s Visitors

click to read full posting

1. Load Time
2. Error Messages
3. Colors
4. Logos/Branding
5. Header Images
6. Typography
7. Layout
8. Advertisements
9. Your Reputation
10. Ease of Navigation
11. Clarity of Purpose
12. Unprofessional Items
13. Quality of Images and Photos
14. Accessibility
15. Popups and Pop-unders
16. Video and Audio
17. Associations
18. Quality of Content
19. Tone
20. Number of Comments and Trackbacks
21. Flash Intros

Black Market Index

Interesting page, havocscope is the black market equivalent of the Dow Jones Industrial Index, and tracks the economic value of illicit goods and services like human trafficking, prostitution, street drugs, technologies and entertainment piracy, and weapons sales.... pretty fascinating to look through, especially when you consider that worldwide black markets represent nearly a trillion dollars in annual profits... what a world, what a world. 

oh yeah, and every visit to this page comes with a free warrantless wiretap from the F.B.I. !



Brave Elena

The mention of Chernobyl made me remember , Elena rides through the area on a motorcycle and takes photographs. Not the most artsy, designed site , but idea and images are great. The more I look the less impressed I am with sites and site searching. I've got to much to do just to get my own stuff looking tolerable. Sounds selfish, but it's just post 50 commentary.


mind blowing spray paint stencil art....

My roomate rory introduced me to this freshman year, and showed me how to do this. The artwork is just as much fun making, as it is seeing it pop out once you spray it. If you even look for it stencil art is even all around on buildings in Chernobyl.

Stencil Revolution
I've been looking through a few websites, and found a few good and bad links, one i always seemed to find helpful to answer about questions in dream weaver was this link

Site Wizard

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I thought the website was visually pleasing, but I didn't like how the images were shown. I couldn't figure out how to go back one image. I found it very frustrating. However, I liked the theme of the website.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Every armed conflict in the world involving post-soviet automatic weapons is the direct result of Colt, the manufacturers of the standard 
tool to kill, from Palestine to Pakistan, Mexico, Somalia, Iraq....
 Made in the Heartland of America, in Hartford CT. Lets shut these mo'fos down! Read Colt's mission statement and check out their nice web page  ^^ 

Funny how the source of the tools causing  all the death, genocide, and terrorism in the world are produced in "HARTford CT, in the HEARTland of America...... AS A BUSINESS! So all this terror shiet is part of Colt's business model.... all this global war and genocide is part of colt and Lockheed/Martin, and the rest of the military industrial complex' business model....

Those M4 5.56 cal carbine-powered automatic rifles used in 90 armed countries in the world to kill and oppress and terrorize come from the HEART! From the heartland of America.....
Lets shut down Colt and all the other weapons manufacturers so that we have to go back to killing each other with swords...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Art Wolfe

This photographer has the best photography website I have ever seen. Its perfect. Simple navigation. Awesome home page slide show. Great viewing system for his photographs with a convenient pop up thumbnail viewing grid. This is exactly the style I would want my website to have. A stunning website for stunning photography!

Art Wolfe Photography